Saving Walden's World
A documentary by Jim Merkel with development and production by World View Productions, Ltd.
Ex-Arms dealer returns from "enemy territories" with women-led solutions to avoid the 6th extinction.
Others behind this insightful doc include two-time Academy award-winners Deborah Shaffer and Julia Reichert (American Factory), and more.
From educator, speaker, contributor and author of RADICAL simplicity: small footprints on a finite Earth, comes a new film by Jim Merkel. In his contribution to Bending the Arc (SUNY Press), Merkel provides details: "My latest project is...a documentary film with a working title The Hundred-Year Plan that optimistically lays out the essentials for diffusing the population bomb, easing climate change and averting the sixth great extinction. It tells the quietly dramatic story of educated and empowered women around the world who choose small families while creatively living with small ecological footprints. These conditions, played out over one hundred years, could return a healthy balance between humans and nature. Being a recovering engineer I’m haunted by curves -- two in particular. Since 1800, world population grew from 1 to 7.4 billion people while world GDP grew from $660 to $13,000 per capita. These two exponential curves multiplied yield a 140-fold increase in human activity over 200 years. The results include climate destabilization, wars, extinctions, and pandemics, to name a few. And in 2015 we added another 85 million more people – the population of Viet Nam or Germany. Biologist E.O. Wilson explains the 6th great extinction this way: “not an asteroid or volcano this time, rather human impact -- “a death of a thousand cuts—a little bit taken here, a little bit ceded to an oil company there.” Added together, we are losing about 30,000 species a year where fossil records indicate background rates of 10 per year. On the side of hope, Wilson adds, “Our species might just luck out, with enough dropping population, improved production, and shrinking ecological footprint that we can win the race to save the rest of life.” Wilson’s book, Half Earth, suggests that by leaving at least half of the earth’s areas intact, we could avert the 6th great extinction. The Hundred-Year Plan [Saving Walden's World] seeks to show how Wilson’s “Half Earth” solution could come about by taking control of two things that you and I actually have control over: How much we take and how many children we make. To unfold this story, I’ve journeyed to three exemplary societies: Cuba, Slovenia and Kerala, a state in southern India. Through conversations with three generations of women, we will learn if the decades of societal movements for family planning, gender equity, universal education and healthcare improved their lives. Although these societies are "poor" by American standards, they now exhibit exceptional longevity, low infant mortality rates and high literacy. In a world of increasing class division, battles over dwindling resources and an economic system that demands continuous growth, the Hundred-Year Plan will explore how these societies have begun to model a sustainable future." |
Jeff's Homemade Game Show
A new kind of game show that truly celebrates and promotes one of the most important things in life: family time.
JHGS reinforces studies that show family time helps build self esteem in children, strengthens family bonds, develops positive behaviors, creates happy memories and helps parents and children connect.
Originally conceived by long-time collaborator, Bob Kopach, World View Productions and Kopach co-developed the foundation for a multi-layered program. Fun would be a big factor in the show's success, and another longtime collaborator, Jeff Rogers, was the first call to help write and host the show. So taken by the idea, Rogers signed on to co-executive produce with Kopach and Maraist. World View and its team of seasoned professionals utilized its trademark in helping subjects feel safe, and trust that the production would be a positive experience.
Jeff's Homemade Game Show (JHGS) combines the ad-lib action of America’s Funniest Videos with the semi-scripted elements of a DIY competition for all ages. It's a fast-paced half-hour series that celebrates family time: parents and kids working together, playing, laughing, and making decisions together. JHGS brings a game show into the actual home of a family. Second City Improv alum Jeff Rogers challenges a new family each episode to fun games that can be made and played in anyone’s home, using objects from around the house. Cash and prizes are on the line with every challenge. Lose, and the family “wins” stuff from Jeff’s garage! |
World View is always on the lookout for innovative ideas that promote human connection and understanding. If you're looking for to collaborate on a long-form film, one-off video, streaming series, or other video format, we hope you'll consider us.
Whenever you're ready